Tree Felling in Ninemileburn

tree felling in Ninemileburn near Penicuik.

We were approached by a customer regarding tree felling in Ninemileburn near Penicuik. The property in question had a boundary of mature mixed conifers which had outgrown their position and as a result were within striking distance of the neighbours house.

The number of trees to be felled far exceeded the allowance of 5 cubic meters per quarter set by Scottish Forestry, so we contacted them on the client’s behalf to confirm that any tree felling would be exempt from requiring a felling license. A quick check on google earth confirmed that the trees were located on garden ground and were therefore exempt. Thomson Trees ltd is always careful to check the lawfulness of any tree work we undertake, whether it be forestry work requiring felling licenses, or arboricultural work being carried out on trees covered by TPO’s. This is part of our professional service, and we are happy to carry this out on behalf of our clients to ensure all necessary permissions are granted successfully.

No climbing was necessary on this job, however some careful and accurate felling was required to avoid some of the smaller trees that were being retained.

As can be seen in the images above, our compact machinery enabled the quick processing of every tree despite lack of access. Niall even showed off his skill with the chainsaw by leaving the client a small memento of our days of tree felling in Ninemileburn.

All brash was chipped on-site using our tracked chipper due to there being limited space to allow access for our tractor and trailer. This will be used by the client for mulch around the property. The larger timber we managed to extract to the roadside with our skid steer and carefully positioned ground mats. We were then able to move the timber off-site more efficiently using our tractor and timber trailer.

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