This policy is a statement of the intent of the directors and shall apply to all operations and worksites visited and managed by Thomson Trees Ltd.
Biosecurity is defined as a set of precautions that aim to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. These may be pests, pathogens or invasive species.
- We are committed to planning and managing our business activities to ensure the possibility of introduction and spread of pest and disease is kept to a minimum.
- We are committed to complying with all legal requirements applicable to plant health and biosecurity, for example Plant Health Act and Plant Health Order.
- We are committed to ensuring amendments, alterations and additions to the legal requirements are incorporated into working practices, as part of a regularly reviewed policy.
- We are committed to developing and maintaining effective relationships with plant health agencies.
- We are committed to developing and maintaining effective relationships with plant health agencies.
- We are committed to diversifying tree populations where our business activities allow, in order to mitigate against possible future pest and disease introductions.
- The company ensures safe handling and disposal of all pests, diseases and all potentially infested materials, through minimising the movement of diseased materials, or other appropriate methods.
- The company aims to ensure safe storage, handling and use of substances such as pesticides and disinfectants, in line with industry best practise and advice sought from (amongst others): Forestry Commission, Arb Association biosecurity guidance, DEFRA’s Pest Risk Analyses, ARB magazine and digest updates,
- We ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training, guidance and supervision.
- Appropriate advice is sought from specialists if specific challenging biosecurity issues are identified before, during or after operations.
- We are committed to alerting the appropriate organisation of any suspected quarantine pest & disease outbreak we encounter.
- Our management system provides a framework for reviewing biosecurity objectives and targets.
In order to meet these commitments, Thomson Trees Ltd pursues the following objectives:
- Thomson Trees Ltd aim to work to good industry practice and will ensure we are aware of any changes or updates to biosecurity practices from industry and plant health bodies.
- Work sites and staff are appropriately supervised and monitored to ensure correct use of biosecurity control measures.
- The company is familiar and utilise government guidance such as Pest Risk Analysis. (
- Prior to commencing work on-site, a Biosecurity Risk Assessment is completed to evaluate each site to identify if appropriate biosecurity control measures and transport and disposal options are required.
- Prior to commencing work on site, a Biosecurity Risk Assessment shall be completed to evaluate each site to identify if appropriate biosecurity control measures and transport and disposal options are required.
- Staff are equipped with the necessary equipment, PPE, and substances to implement biosecurity control measures including effective hygiene and sanitation practices, and aree trained in their application. Cleaning and disinfection of tools, equipment, plant and vehicles are carried out as appropriate.
- Employees are briefed and trained on good biosecurity practices appropriate to their role within the organisation.
- Cases of ill health in trees are reported through the Forestry Commissions Tree Pest and Disease sightings reporter (
- Recommendations made to clients with regard to species choice for new tree planting take into consideration, the composition of the local tree population and the resilience of that population to pests, pathogens and invasive species, as well as species resilience and suitability to the site’s prevailing environmental conditions.
- Planting material will be appropriately sourced, ideally homegrown, from reputable suppliers and assessed on delivery to the planting site to ensure it is in optimum physiological health and free from pest and or disease.
- The planting of imported trees directly into the UK landscape is avoided wherever possible, and only under the plant passport scheme.
- This policy is displayed within the organisation at all times and is available to all interested parties.
- Individual biosecurity responsibilities are issued to each employee.
- This biosecurity policy is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the company.
Thomson Trees Ltd strive to raise the levels of biosecurity awareness throughout its workforce and to promote this awareness to its customers and suppliers.